
Đề Thi Trắc Nghiệm Reading HA4 - Đại Học Kinh Doanh Và Công Nghệ Hà Nội (Miễn Phí, Có Đáp Án)

Ôn tập hiệu quả với đề thi trắc nghiệm Reading HA4 từ Đại học Kinh doanh và Công nghệ Hà Nội. Đề thi tập trung vào kỹ năng đọc hiểu trong tiếng Anh, bao gồm các đoạn văn, câu hỏi liên quan đến nội dung và ý nghĩa, giúp sinh viên cải thiện khả năng đọc và hiểu văn bản tiếng Anh. Đáp án chi tiết hỗ trợ sinh viên nắm vững kiến thức và chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho kỳ thi.

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Thời gian làm bài: 30 phút

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Câu 1: 1 điểm

Everyone has a different idea of what happiness is, but most of us want to be happier. So, what can we learn from looking at the habits of happy people? - Give to Others Research shows that giving money or time to help others makes you feel happier. Buying someone an unexpected present or spending some time doing voluntary work will give you a feeling of joy. - Be Interested Love what you do and try to learn something new. People who are curious and learn new things experience feelings of satisfaction and happiness. - Spend Time with Family and Friends This is probably the most important thing you can do. People who have strong network of social relationships are not just happier; they live longer, too!

What is the main content of the extract?

Ways to live a happy life.
Tips for improving English speaking skills.
Ways to build self-confidence.
Tips for a good presentation.
Câu 2: 1 điểm
According to the extract, what is probably the most important thing that helps people be happier and live longer?
Doing some exercise.
Sleeping more.
Spending time with family and friends.
Focusing on the moment.
Câu 3: 1 điểm
Which information is NOT GIVEN?
Buying someone an unexpected present can make joy.
Trying new things is one of the ways to help people be happier.
Doing voluntary work is one of the secrets of happiness.
Happiness depends on gender.
Câu 4: 1 điểm

Horse riding looks so beautiful that it is sometimes easy to forget how dangerous it is. Life as a jockey is rarely safe and it usually involves a few broken bones. Once in a while, jockeys even die during a race. Jill Cleveland spoke to jockey Vincent Dax in France. As a young man, Dax was one of the best jockeys of his generation. He knows the sport is dangerous, but he never worries. “When the race starts, we forget about the danger. We know it’s not like riding a bicycle or driving a car, but all we think about is winning”.

What is the main content of the extract?

The danger of being a jockey.
The comfort of being a jockey.
The income of a jockey.
The history of horse racing
Câu 5: 1 điểm
Which sentence is FALSE?
Vincent Dax is a jockey in France.
Life as a jockey is unsafe.
When he was young, Vincent Dax was one of the best jockeys of his time.
Life as a jockey hardly ever involves a few broken bones.
Câu 6: 1 điểm
When the race starts, what do the jockeys think about?
They think about their holiday.
They think about the danger.
They think about winning.
They think about their income.
Câu 7: 1 điểm

The Money Programme is a BBC documentary series. Dream Commuters tells the story of a man who was fed up with his journey to work and his lifestyle. Every day there was a lot of traffic on the roads and the commute to work took a long time. He wasn’t happy with his work-life balance. So he bought a property in France and took his family to live there. He now takes cheap flights to work. He is one of a growing number of commuters who live in another country. He says it has transformed his life.

How did the man feel about his work-life balance?

He was pleased with his work-life balance
He was dissatisfied with his work-life balance.
He was satisfied with his work-life balance.
He felt happy with his work-life balance.
Câu 8: 1 điểm
How are his flights to work now?
They are expensive.
They are unaffordable.
They are affordable.
They are costly.
Câu 9: 1 điểm
Which information is NOT GIVEN?
The man bought a property in France.
The man decided to take his family to live in France.
The man was bored with his journey to work and his lifestyle.
His property in France was expensive.
Câu 10: 1 điểm

How The World Spends Its Free Time . - Internet People from Canada spend, on average, 43.5 hours per week online, 8 hours longer than the next highest, the USA. One reason: Canada has long, cold winters so people spend lots of time indoors. - Sport Football is king. In second place, surprisingly, is cricket. Only a few nations play the game seriously, but it’s very popular in India, which has 1.2 billion people. - Outdoors New Zealanders spend the most time outdoors. The countryside is perfect for hiking, mountain climbing, and water sports. If you live in New Zealand, you’re never more than two hours’ drive from the sea. And then there is rugby, too… - Bars Spain has six bars per 1,000 inhabitants, easily the highest number. In Spain, a bar is for families, not just drinkers. It’s a meeting place and often an eating place (try the tapas!).

What is the main content of the extract?


How people spend their free time.


How people learn to spend their free time.


How people work in their free time.


Why people have much free time.

Câu 11: 1 điểm
According to the extract, who spends the most time outdoors?
New Zealander
Câu 12: 1 điểm
Which information is NOT GIVEN?
Winters are long and cold, so people spend lots of time indoors.
A bar is for families, not just drinkers.
People often have parties when they gather in bars.
Cricket is a popular sport in India.
Câu 13: 1 điểm

The Alternative School, In Lancashire, UK, offers a different type of schooling for young people who are having problems in mainstream education. The school offers an innovative and interesting educational programme, which is designed specifically for the individual. Students can decide when they come to school, and which subjects they want to study. They don’t have to come to school every day. They can choose to start with just a few hours a week. The school uses an ‘open door’ policy where students are allowed to leave lessons if they are bored or unhappy.

What is the main content of the extract?

A few hours of studying per week.
A different type of schooling for young people.
A different type of schooling for old people.
A traditional education system in UK
Câu 14: 1 điểm
Which sentence is FALSE?
Students can decide when they go to school.
They can choose to start with few hours a week.
The school applies an open door policy.
Students cannot leave lessons if they don’t find it interesting.
Câu 15: 1 điểm
What is designed specifically for individuals?
An innovative and interesting educational programme
A new computer programme
An interesting training course
A smart classroom system
Câu 16: 1 điểm

Many classrooms around the world are adopting a flipped classroom approach. This learning model switches classroom learning and homework. In a traditional classroom, the teacher explains the lesson to the students in the classroom, and the students study homework outside class, where they have to work on their own, and can’t ask anyone for help. So, in a flipped classroom, children can watch a video of their teacher giving a lecture on the subject at home. They don’t have to do any written work. When they come back to the classroom, they have to do the more traditional exercises, but they can ask their teacher or their classmates for help if they don’t understand.

What is the main content of the extract?

New teaching approach
Flipped classroom approach
Long term learning approach
Studying approach in modern world
Câu 17: 1 điểm
What can children do at home?
Do their written work.
Work with their partners.
Watch a video of a lecture given by their teacher.
Ask their teacher for help.
Câu 18: 1 điểm
Which information is NOT GIVEN?
Children do the more traditional exercises in class.
They can ask if they don’t understand.
The approach switches classroom learning and homework.
Children have to study on weekends.
Câu 19: 1 điểm

Do you ever find that you’re having an interesting conversation and then suddenly everything goes really quiet and you’re not sure why? Next time watch out for these conversation killers. - Me, Me, Me This is one of the biggest conversation killers. Don’t interrupt people to talk about yourself. It’s a great idea to talk about things you have in common, but remember to take turns. - “Have you heard what people are saying about…?” Don’t gossip or say rude things about people you know, even if it’s only a joke. - Don’t be too negative Try not to talk about too many negative topics. As they say, “Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone”.

What is the main content of the extract?

How to prepare for a party.
Reasons for an unsuccessful conversation.
How to dress for a formal meeting.
What to say in a job interview.
Câu 20: 1 điểm
Which sentence is FALSE?
It is advisable to talk a lot about yourself.
You should not gossip about people you know.
Talking a lot about negative topics is not good.
You should take turns to talk about things you have in common.
Câu 21: 1 điểm
The word “rude” in bold is closest in meaning to?
Câu 22: 1 điểm

- Galleries and Museums The UK has six of the top 20 most visited art galleries/museums in the world, including the National Gallery, the British Museum and Tate Modern. - TV The biggest TV-watchers are in Thailand. They spend 22.4 hours a week watching TV. In second place comes the Philippines (21 hours) and in third place, Egypt (20.9 hours), famous for its never-ending soap operas!

What are the most visited art galleries/museums in the UK?

The Louvre museum
Moderna Museet museum
National Gallery, British Museum and Tate Modern
Hermitage museum
Câu 23: 1 điểm
Which sentence is FALSE?
The UK has none of the top 20 most visited art galleries/museums in the world.
People in Thailand love watching TV.
British museum is one of the most famous museums in the world.
Epypt is famous for its long soap operas.
Câu 24: 1 điểm
The word “famous” in bold is closest in meaning to?

Tổng điểm


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